Heart-J Center at Sylvan Dale Ranch
…where learning comes naturally
Alexander Mountain Fire
As of August 6, the Alexander Fire covers 9,668 acres in the forest west of Sylvan Dale Guest Ranch.
In 2021, the Jessup Family donated 960 acres of backcountry forest and meadows to Heart-J Center.
All 960 acres of Heart-J Center land and the
beloved historic homestead of Cow Camp
have burned in the fire.
The Heart-J Team is working to envision the future of the backcountry, as well as to come up with creative ways to offer our backcountry skills programming at other locations at Sylvan Dale.
We don’t know what the next weeks and months will bring, but we do know that we will bring the Heart-J spirit of resilience, legacy, and love of the land as we continue to serve people with memorable experiences in this incredible place.
If you’d like to be part of the recovery and re-visioning process, we would appreciate your financial support as well as your personal involvement.
Send a note to backcountry@heartjcenter.org if you want to learn about ways to get involved.
We’re grateful for the outpouring of love and support. Thank you!
—Laura, Silas, Carol, and Angela on behalf of the entire Heart-J Staff, Board, and volunteer corps
Note that no buildings have burned on the Main Ranch of
Sylvan Dale - The Heritage and cabins and horsebarn
are all to the east of the fire location.
The gray polygon shows the extent of the burn area of the Alexander Fire as of August 1. More than 9,000 acres have burned including 960 acres of conservation land owned by Heart-J Center. The yellow dot is the location of Cow Camp, about six miles northwest of the main ranch at Sylvan Dale.
This image shows the house and barn at Cow Camp in September 2023.
Over the past three years, many generous people have donated time and money to restoring the barn and horse facilities at Cow Camp.
Heart-J Center sends our gratitude and love to these donors and volunteers, with a special mention to the Adventure Riders from Sylvan Dale, who made such a difference as we worked to restore this iconic backcountry destination.

Volunteers Needed for Outdoor Education Field Trips
It’s time to get outside!
Check out our program listing and join us soon for a Heart-J adventure!
Heart-J Center works in partnership with schools and youth organizations to offer customized field trips for grades K-12, with Sylvan Dale’s 3,000 acres as an incredible outdoor classroom.
Heart-J Center honors the commitment and dedication of current and retired military, first responders, healthcare workers, and teachers. If this is YOU, check out the relevant programs and offers here.
“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.
Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.
The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.”
— John Muir